The 'wack Off
Friday, February 23, 2007
  Random Facts Game
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1. I used to make fun of people who changed sports team allegiances. Now I am one of them. A little over two years ago I became a New York Giants fan and feel great amounts of shame when somebody asks me about the Redskins...
2. The only areas I check out on random girls are their butts and their eyes. If there was a girl with eyes on her butt, I think Kristen would be in trouble.
3. I don't ever want to hear another Doors song again as long as I live. I played them out (in high school) for life.
4. Everytime I play a videogame I beat myself up for not doing something more important. If I actually hit myself, I'd be in critical condition right now.
5. If I'm drawing a comic page and I make a mistake, I often just tear the entire page up (no matter how complete it is) and start on a new "mistake free" page. This is why I've got ten pages finished over the past two years.
6. When I was in middle school/high school and I'd get a random erection, I would think of Roseanne Barr laughing at the dinner table (as she does during the opening credits of her show) in order to get things under control.
7. I have about ten friends, but only like about five of them.
8. If I like a song, I'll listen to it until it's burned into my brain. I've listen to Mika's "Grace Kelly" about 30 times in the past two hours. This may also be why I don't ever want to hear another Doors song ever again (#3).
9. I like to microwave everything for 42 seconds and if it needs more time, I only put it in for increments of 12, 21 or 42 seconds again.
10. I'm incredibly jealous of my dog. He gets to sleep all day long and humps pillows. He seems happy.
The problem with the girl with eyes on her butt is that she'd see you checking her out, too.
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