Sucked into the "..Code".
I'm not against all things that become insanely popular and I'm hardly a snob (I watch American freakin' Idol for god sakes), but I do find myself stubbornly refusing to accept certain, um, manias that seem to take the world by storm. I hate most of the music on the more popular radio stations and when a song I do like starts getting airplay on the Top 40 station, a part of me realizes that a song I once liked/loved is no longer "mine". Anyway, a lot of my interests are slightly odd (I watch both soccer AND rugby and I'm an AMERICAN!) and I tend to stick my nose up at the mainstream...let's cut this story short, shall we?
Yesterday, I started to read The Da Vinci Code after a couple of years of fighting off many requests to do so. People I know who don't even read were telling me that I HAD to read it and that it's "the best book ever". While I won't go that far, I will say's pretty damn good (so far).
Dan Brown writes the book with a simple enough style to lure non-readers in, but spices each chapter up with enough interesting history to keep the "smart" people entertained. Basically, it's a book that is easy enough to read to make us dumb people feel smart while reading it.
I'm on chapter 20 (which is like page 12 with this one) and so far, so good. I wanted to hate it in the worst way...
I could always lie, I guess...