Garfield is a crappy strip, but...
...Jim Davis is right about two things.
1. Lasagna is great.
2. Mondays suck.
If I have to yell at one more 13 year old (and I shouldn't...gym class is over), I'm going to skip past the yelling part and get straight to the beating part and I will not be pulling punches.
Six gym classes in 8 periods, all of them full of sarcasm and pep, contributed to my current frustration level and the fact that I've lost my voice.
Plus, for some reason I've lost at EVERYTHING I've played this weekend whether it be tennis, Ghost Recon, or NCAA 2k6. If it weren't for the two games I won in basketball (online), I'd wonder if I had some hand eye coordination disease.
One things for sure...I'm not playing the lottery tonight.