The End
Finished the book.
Well, I'll clarify and say that I finished the roughest draft that any of you have ever seen, but it's "finished" none the less. I've got to type a good third of the book and as soon as I do, I'll be emailing it out (Microsoft Word) and sharing it with those who showed an interest. Thanks again to those who did because as much as it pains me to send the book out in it's current state, I feel like a lot of you were with me during the writing of the book (especially the Nano gang).
I'll refrain from spoilers until after I've gotten some feedback, but I REALLY would like to defend the parts that I know suck and the parts that I am already itching to rewrite. There are so many scenes that are cringe worthy for me that I'm glad I'm not going to be in the room while people are reading them.
When I first began writing the book (something I had always wanted to do), it was a story about four different people who just happen into each others lives towards the end of things and share their short and meaningful relationships before they die. As that story became the ultimate form of the word "suck", I abandoned the idea for at least my time during MTV and left it for dead. Flash forward a couple of years and the itch to write a book took hold of me once more. I had a couple of other ideas that I kind of mashed into one and after I was happy with what I thought was going to be the plot, I began.
I wrote about 30 pages in the first person and then another 15 in the third...neither felt "right", but the third person seemed to work better and I stuck with that. Before long I hated everything once again and for the second time left the book for dead.
Jump ahead to November 04 when everyone's favorite eingy introduced me to this thing called Nanorimo and one year later (as always) I decided to join her in the adventure. And while I did hit the 50,000 word mark, I did not finish my book.
And now, I guess, I kind of have.
From my first attempt I stole a character that I had always liked and from my second attempt I stole the two major settings for the book and the stark contrast between those two locales. And for some reason, once I started writing the book for the third time during November, it just kind of took off for me.
I kept the writing simple and the words and phrases are nothing too clever or nothing as poetic as I had strived for in earlier versions. There was something nice about the straight forward approach I took with the book and I think that the simple nature of the writing really helps keep the book sweet even when death is drenching the pages.
I originally cut the book into two halves and while there's still a contrast between the two, I feel like a good third of part two should be consider part three. I haven't done any of the chapter breakdowns or titles (don't know if I'm ever going to do that) and I'm sure everyone will be able to have fun counting the many spelling and grammatical errors that are rampant in the book (and this post!). That being said, it's over for the most part and I'm incredibly proud that I finally finished it.
And before I finish this post and hit the orange button, I'd like to thank a couple of people for pushing me through the writing even when I secretly wanted to quit again.
First, Kristen for not laughing at me when I told her I wanted to write a book and for calming me down whenever I wanted to freak out.
And to Seppo and Eingy, I know I've said it a thousand times, but I can't thank you two enough for the kind words and the constant responses to the stuff that I sent you throughout November. Even though you two were both busy with work and your own books, you took the time to respond to my emails and it's the only thing that kept me going when my crippling self doubt reared it's ugly head.
Well, I've got tons more I want to say, but I'll save it for another day. Just try to keep in mind, those who are going to read it, that the book has a lot of things that need to be changed. It's kind of in the same stage that Star Wars was when Skywalker was Starkiller and the Wookies were intended to bring down the Empire on Endor. Hell, I'm still convinced that Lucas was writing as he went along because why the hell would he make Luke and Leia so damn incestuous?