Throughout my life, I've been lucky (knock on wood) and most of the ones I've loved have lived long and healthy lives and outside of my nanny (who passed away after a short bout with cancer), I've been fortunate that everyone around me has steered clear of any major diseases.
Well, and I shake as I type this, my beloved girlfriend Kristen has caught the most dreaded of sicknesses...Myspace-itis. It's heartbreaking, it's tough to deal with, and I've heard it's incredibly contagious. Fortunately, while I don't have an antidote for my poor girl, I do have something that will keep me Myspace free...and that something is...I f*cking hate Myspace.
While browsing the site last night (using Kristen's Myspace account), I discovered that at least 100 people I know have an account and I'm sure that number is lower than it should be because that figure was only attained after an hour of searching the site. I am 28 years old and I honestly can't believe that a bunch of people that are my age, let alone people I know, are putting energy into that ridiculous monster of a site.
Most of the pages I came across were unreadable and littered with annoying videos, pictures, and designs so awful my eyes bled and I had two, count them two, Grand Mal seizures.
Okay. I might be exaggerating just a bit but seriously...WTF?
But I guess, coming from one of the many millions of online bloggers, I'm kind of calling the kettle black.