General Specific
So 1010Wins, the AM news station with addictive and accurate(if repetitive) news, has spent the last hour reporting on "specific threats" that were discovered against the railroads and the subways of NYC. They've been cycling the same couple of stories for the past hour(I know, I've been driving) and it whole thing irked me enough that I drove home and logged on before I took a wiz.
The first thing that's upsetting me(not angering me...someone's got the market cornered on frustration masked as anger) is that I keep hearing that the threat was incredibly specific, except the only information they're sharing is that it was against the railroads and that it was "bomb" related. I know that the authorities may have there reasons for withholding information, but then WHY do they HAVE to even mention the word specific? It's like telling somebody you know a secret and then not telling them. Those are the most annoying people in the world and this situation reeks of it. If you have a secret, fine. But there's no need to hint at it. Just tell us a threat has been made and leave it at that.
The whole lack of specific information is not 1010Wins fault, but I blame them for a different sort of stupidity. They've been interviewing people at Penn Station and Jamaica Station and asking them how this new information(what's been released of it..grumble) is going to affect their lives. One lady was there to pick up her kids, so it's already affected her life, but for the most part the interviewer is interviewing people who rely on trains to get to work.
HOW DO YOU THINK THEY ARE GOING TO ANSWER? One woman said she was going to "keep an eye out" for suspicious looking packages and characters. Haven't we been doing that since 9/11? And not for nothing, these are blue collar, working class people who NEED the subways/trains to make a living. Most of the interviewed said it would not affect there daily routine but that they'd be "extra precautious".
HOW DOES ONE DO THAT? Are we looking for the man with the mustache with the package with the bomb in it? Hell, if I were a terrorist I'd be wearing a Yankee jersey and a pair of Levi's. We've been trained to ignore these people(and Yankee fans should be ignored).
To anybody who wants to help: Grab your gun, head out onto the subway and start blasting those terrorists disguised as Yankee fans. There's a chance you might just shoot an innocent Yankee fan, but knowing Yankee fans, that would be no great loss.