Spunk Farm
If you spend a Friday night with Kristen and I you will most likely be surrounded by some greasy food (tonight it was pizza), an awful toothache(what else is new, Kris?), and eventually 20/20. Kris is addicted to the show. She's a sucker for that mustached moron John Stossel (sp..although I don't care). Anyway, tonight I was treated to a two for one as we happened to catch Dateline BEFORE 20/20 came on (Huzzah!)!
Which leads me to this rant which may or may not include punctuation or capital letters....
CAN WE ALL PLEASE GET PAST THE SHOCKING FACT THAT THE INTERNET IS FULL OF PORNO? Tonight, yet another "disturbing" story of how porno has invaded the homes of middle America and a bunch of people that have been greatly offended.
Long story short: A mom in the middle of nowhere opened up a random email and it linked her to a picture of a girl fucking a horse (or a dog...they blurred the link). Not content to just close the link and get on with her middle of nowhere life, she felt the need to call 20/20 and share her outrage with the show. As luck would have it, 20/20 was just itching to do another "internet porno no no" type of segment and jumped on the story. They traced the email back further and further and further until they found the person who had sent it and in the end the sender apologized. Still, the segment was intercut with the woman and her friends whining about how porno has invaded their homes through the internet (note to offended mom: check your husband's bottom drawer for WAY worse). Don't hold me to this quote but one shocked mom was upset about how the internet and pornography was corrupting our youth. Hey lady, without it, your dumb kid would be spanking it to the underwear section in the Sears Christmas Catalogue..trust me, I know.
Is there anything else to say to these people other than don't open random emails or don't use the internet? That's why I have a junk mail filter you stupid offended mom!
Oh, and as we speak John Stossel is trying see if professional artists give the thumbs up to a bunch of finger paintings painted by 4 year olds. He's trying to be clever, but this segment was played out ten years ago...is it his stupid voice that's supposed to be funny? And wasn't this the basis for an entire episode of Full House?
Have mercy!