The 'wack Off
Friday, August 05, 2005
  I want to be a dentist.
I can't stand radio stations or people that are amused by a Sir Mix-A-Lot reference and I really can't stand when I hear that song he is famous for either. I love it when someone gets the vaguest of references and I don't come off looking like a weirdo. I can't stand it when the person in front of you could've turned nine times already and yet you are both stuck waiting to leave the same parking lot. I love it when my dog shows me how smart he is and even more amazing is that he understands some of the words we speak (Sit? I will never understand a damn thing he barks, yet he can grasp sit?). I love waking up at 10am and watching really awful Dawson's Creek episodes, yet hate the feeling afterwards when I realize how much of my life I'm wasting doing so. I'm also not fond of the cringe inducing dialogue the writers crammed down the actors throats on the show either, yet the phrase "cramming down throats" and the image of Katie Holmes works for me. I am not a Scientologist and I have no real objections to people who are. Although I probably should for some reason.

I hate how I'm ready for work twenty minutes before I have to be, yet when the time to leave comes I have like 19 things I have to do (one of which is always finding my car keys).

I love rainy days. I hate rainy days. Hate is a strong word, but I'm tired of using weak words like tired.

This is what happens when you don't have internet access for a few days and blog too fast....
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Location: Bohemia, New York, United States

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