The 'wack Off
Saturday, August 27, 2005
  *fap* *fap* goose
Not that I'm trying to pry here, but have any of you been incredibly horny this week? And for those of you nodding "yes", is it more than usual? Just wondering because twice in the past week I've caught a man pleasuring himself in public. Granted they were both retarded, but still, after three years of working in the field it's the first time I've ever seen it.

Just wondering...

To be honest, between the stress of finding work, my stupid car troubles, and the upcoming semester, I've been as horny as a percussion section. So I'm not the best judge of "out of the ordinary" horniness at the moment. Why did I quote "out of the ordinary"? I don't know.

And for those of you who think that stumbling upon a man mastubating is all glitz and glamour, it's not. It's actually really, really weird.

Working as an usher, I once caught a guy masterbating in the back of a movie theater. I didn't usually check the isles all that thoroughly (I was a crappy usher), but it's hard not to notice a completely naked white guy in otherwise darkly colored theater, even in dim lighting, so don't try it.

The movie was Lion King, and it was the middle of the day.
lol @ post & chad

I wonder what the guy was thinking in chad's situation?

"Oh crap, I'm really horny, I need to get off fast. I know! I'll duck into this movie theater."

"Uhh, one for the matinee of Lion King, please?"

- Mike
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