Best Month Ever: Day 8
This entry is written almost a week removed from day number eight and while that may leave for some vague details, I'm not a filthy, filthy pothead so it shouldn't be too bad.
Day 8:Saturday
I made arrangements for someone else to work my 7am-10am shift. It was the first day of the English Premier League and Manchester United was actually going to be playing live on Fox Soccer Channel and being the idiot I am, I couldn't just tape it and watch it later. I sit through the game, a victory, hit the bank, treat my brother to breakfast, watch another EPL game(Liverpool/Middlesbrough), let my brother talk me into wanting Everquest 2, and was ABOUT to watch a third EPL game when the stupid channel flashed the score(the game had been played hours earlier) and ruined it for me. Why would Fox Soccer Channel flash the score of a game they haven't aired yet? That makes no sense to me.
So by 3 o'clock, thanks to some idiocy on the part of FSC, I had my life back. No longer mentally chained to English football, I was free to play Winning Eleven 8 until it was time to take the ferry over to Fire Island. Kristens father has a boat there and every year, during August, they have a huge fireworks display. Oddly enough, they don't do jack for the Fourth of July. Anyway, I run into one of the two people I actually enjoy talking to from high school, drink a bit, watch the fireworks(a really crummy display BTW...worst I've seen in three years from them), hit the bar, get annoyed with one too many obnoxious drunks, buy a hamburger and fall asleep on page 202 of "Among the Thugs".