Best Month Ever: Day 5
"Evar" will from now on revert to its less internetty form of "ever". My girlfriend was asking too many questions and I didn't have any answers that were good enough for her.
Anyway, on to day 5
1000am: Wake up,(although I've got to start waking up earlier...I'm going to bed late enough, but this 10 am business is starting to make me feel....bummy?), watch the Dawson's Creek finale(which was a complete disappointment and that's saying something), and eat a lowfat muffin(that must've been made of glue, blueberries, and dough because it was sticking to the tips of my fingers). Enough parenthesis for ya?
1200pm: Hit the gym. An hour of cardio, minimal weights. It was supposed to be my off day, but Saturday brings the EPL with it and I know I won't be thinking about the gym once I'm glued to the many, many games.
100pm: Dick around, eat Tuna fish(again), write the basic outline of my South Park script that will be entered to the next Scriptapalooza contest. It will win. It's got Bob Vila, Caricatures of the Extreme Home Makeover Team (one of them is Mr. Slave's cousin), and Jesus taking flack for being a crappy carpenter(they expect more from the son of one).
300pm: Go to work, do my job, nothing unusual about the shift. Well, unless you count the absence of many, many stories about double teaming girls and lingerie parties.
Most nights I work with a guy who is from a totally different world then I, most of us actually, am from. I've heard some of the most sordid sex stories (some which use the word "train" as a verb instead of a noun) that any man will ever hear. A few months ago he supposedly "shared" his cousins girlfriend while his cousin was in the next room. I was shocked over the total lack of respect to a family member, but he said that his cousin was the one who told him to do it. ANd while most of us consider a side dish to be something that accompanies and entree, he considers it to be one of the many girls that he sleeps with on the side(the man tells me every night that he is "loyal" to his "girl"). I've got to get this man a dictionary.
800pm: RIGHT NOW. Chicken Kabobs and Corn(one of which I have to start barbecuing...Kristen is tapping her feet in the kitchen as I type).
Oh well, that's day 5 down and unless something miraculous happens in the next 4 hours, this is the last you'll hear of it.