Best Month Ever: Day 10
Day 10: Monday
Garfield hates mondays, but Garfield is a terribly unfunny comic strip so I make it a point to enjoy them in protest. In the morning I took out my friend Joseph(his mom pays me 15 dollars an hour to hang out with him. She offered 20, but I felt awful charging anything to begin with), and played Laser Tag for the first time in ten years. Joseph, handicap and all, proved to be quite the competitor and although I won(TAKE THAT FOOL!), we had quite the one on one at the O.K. Corral(if the O.K. Corral were a green and red fluorescent tronnish ripoff). I also drove a bumper car for the first time in a while, and while I rocked Joseph around, got pwned myself by a group of giggling girls(all under the age of 10).
Work was work, and looking forward to an interview I had on Tuesday, spent the rest of the night rotating between my Froglock Mage(now a level 6) and staring out the window longingly.