The 'wack Off
Thursday, July 14, 2005
  A typical morning
We woke up in a little purple room with the sun spying through the blinds. A little pameranian stretched and pressed it's paws against my back. It was time to get up. The old labrador on the floor thought otherwise. The freeze of the air conditioning tightened my nipples as I slid out from under the comforter.

Outside the room, with the two dogs in tow, the heat and humidity breathed heavy on us like a drunken uncle. I let the dogs out. I cooked a couple of eggs and sat down outside. I love eating breakfast before noon. She was still back in the frozen cube of a room. The little dog yapped at whatever it wanted to, which was everything and anything. I threw a tennis ball across the yard and it left a wet impression on the fence. The old lab wanted some of my eggs. The pameranian took off after the ball.

I hadn't put a shirt on yet and who knew if I would. I wondered why any teacher would get dressed during the summer. I've worn flipflops for three weeks and not much else. The old labrador got tired of waiting for a handout and sprawled across the deck.

*end of story*

Have you ever read a random blog? I just browsed a couple of them (for the first time) and the authors TOTALLY romanticized (sp) their entire entries. They all had the essence of a coffee commercial and half of the substance. In fact, by the time I got done reading one particular entry I felt the need to yell, "SEAN LUC!" right in my little pameranians face.

Anyway, the above should've gone a lot more like this...

I woke up to the freezing airconditioning again. It would be nice if for one damn night we didn't have to set the damn thing to "frostbite". But I'm not gonna win that argument. She'd rather sleep under a mountain of blankets. The damn little dog is whining in my ear. I'll let it out. I better let the other one out or he'll just lay there all day and have to go out just as we want to.
We all take a piss (me in the bathroom...but the thought did cross my mind). I eat the egg sandwich that my girlfriend picked up for me before she got home this morning. I'm going to check the internet. I just farted.

I've got to go. That damn dogs yapping at the back door.
I think I'm going to totally romanticize (sp) my next entry to see how elaborate I can make the most mundane thing.

- Mike
It's almost like a challenge.
As someone who had a circle of friends who milked the joke for *years*, I can, without fear of being wrong, tell you that it's "Jean-Luc".

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Damn. Me and my brother were both wrong.

And I've been told I can't spell Pomeranian either.

So when are you gonna post up some cooking recipes!?
Kristen needs to turn on anonymous comments! Is that Brian being classy in the background of her latest entry? ;)

- Mike
LOL. Yeah, that's me at my classiest.

I'll tell her to anonomyze her blog.
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Formerly "Sorry, Maureen", this blog deals with life, death and everything in between.

Location: Bohemia, New York, United States

Where there's a Wil, there's a Wheaton.

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