Some people wake up in tubs missing their kidneys...
...others wake up in the middle of a diner with no idea how they got there. My girlfriend, her sister (and her 3 month old baby boy), and yours truly went out to lunch this afternoon. The baby arrived sleeping and slept until the check arrived. It was a nice and peaceful lunch (he woke up last time and it wasn't nearly as peaceful), but I couldn't help but wonder what was running through the kids mind after he woke up. He probably fell asleep at home in familiar surroundings only to wake up in a crowded diner with his mother motioning for the check.
I guess I'm kind of jealous. Wouldn't it be neat to just wake up in the middle of a flea market or maybe even a 7-11 once in a while? I'm sick of waking up where I go to bed. It's just not random enough for me.....
...purple monkey donkey balls.