Ladybugs didn't suck!
Almost everybody I know has been told they look like somebody (somebody meaning a "celebrity") and I'm no different. I've been told I look like Rob Thomas, Dustin Diamond (notice I didn't mention him first), Elijah Wood, Tobey Mcgwire, and that dude who did Stifler's mom in the "American Pie" movies. But of all of the comparisons I've rolled my eyes about there is one that just smacked me in the face and made me take a closer look in the mirror.
I really do look like a young Rodney Dangerfield.
And thanks to my friend Danny from SVA for pointing it out. If I ever see him again, I'll have to thank him because I didn't get the chance to or want to after the comparison was originally made.
But on to more important revelations...If I ever won a billion dollars (or a sum so large that I didn't have to do anything ever again) I finally figured out what I'd do with my life. I'd go back to college. And after I graduated from it, I'd go back again. And again. And again. I just miss being a student. I mean technically I am still in the Masters Program at my college, but I guess I miss being a student of classes that I'm actually interested in. I'm at the point where I'm bogged down in requirement classes and don't have the leeway (or the money) to look into any interesting electives. If I ever won a gajillion dollars, I would spend the rest of my life taking really interesting electives at random colleges all around the world. I miss subjects like "History of Cinema"(which I only got to take half a year of and we ended the first half on "Singing in the Rain") and I miss classes like "Ancient Mythology" (which, without the tests, was probably the best class I took during my sophomore year). I still remember the day my "History of Drama" (yeah, electives are wiffleballs at SVA) teacher showed "On the Waterfront" and pointed out the scene where Brando is talking to the blonde and she is trying to walk away. The blonde is trying to ignore him and go about her day, but Brando's character is interested and trying to flirt with her. Anyway, the scene works because the girl drops her glove and Brando puts it on his own hand. Thanks to my old drama teacher I know that the glove wasn't supposed to be dropped in the scene, but Brando played with the mistake and turned it into something magnificent.
See? That's the kind of crap I miss. Stupid, pointless elective crap.
On a side note, wouldn't "CU in September!" be an awesome slogan for a college pamphlet? Not like Notre Dame, but like Colorado University....
I think it's catchy.