Dodging death and working out
I'm one of those people who pick a penny up off of the ground believing that it may just lead to some good luck. I've never actually been able to link any of my good luck to any of the thousands of pennys I have picked up over the years, but i still believe in the practice none the less. Besides, everytime I crouch down to pick one up I always imagine that the bullet that was intended for my skull only missed killing me because I stopped to pick up the "good luck" penny. I can just picture my would be assassin cursing his luck, reloading his sniper rifle, and shaking his fist as I wander out of his line of fire. I know the day that I finally do get gunned down by my imaginary Lee Harvey, it'll be because I didn't stop to pick up a penny that was facing the tails side up. Those aren't good luck, they just suck.
So if you have been hired to kill me and happen to stumble across this blog, just sprinkle a bunch of "tails side up" pennies in my path and take your best shot.
On the gym: I realized today why I like the gym so much. Not only do I honestly feel productive while I'm there, I often visualize successes in other areas that don't necessarily have anything to do with a better body. While I'm there, I can see myself getting that teaching job (which I still haven't heard a thing about yet), I can see both my book and my comic being published, I can see myself succeeding in all aspects of life. Everywhere else I'm rather pessimistic and a glass half empty kind of a person. I don't doubt my talent or who I am, but while I'm at the gym I can see all of these obstacles vanishing while I let my mind wander.
I know it sounds corny and I'm not imagining myself as the President of the United States, but I guess I'm just a much more positive person "mid"work out than I am "pre" and "post" work out.
Here's to a conscious effort to see the glass half full from now on.
And sexy brunettes on crosstrainers don't hurt either....(You don't read my blog anymore, do you Kris?)